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ИНФОРМИСТ - Ваш личный видеокаталог


Наглядные видеоматериалы

The Electron Transport Chain 29.09.2012 The Electron Transport Chain
The Electron Transport Chain in really easy to see steps.

We did this process for a project in one of our biology classes at the University of Washington. I hope you enjoy and that it is very easy to understand.

http://youtu.be/-_8aYKcQZ_Q 03.09.2012 http://youtu.be/-_8aYKcQZ_Q
krebs cycle mitochondria

mitochondria ATP synthesis 03.09.2012 mitochondria ATP synthesis
mitochondria ATP synthesis

Anti-aging 3D medical animation mitochondria for Ninapharm,produced by Virtual Point 03.09.2012 Anti-aging 3D medical animation mitochondria for Ninapharm,produced by Virtual Point
3D medical animation clip produced by virtual point of biological process.
The purpose of Ninapharm's researches is to offer an "Anti-Aging Protection" package based on antioxidants. The idea is to determine several diseases directly linked to antioxidants deficiencies and to offer a package which is only based on vegetal or fruit plant extracts and combines different actives that provides the right solution for a Anti-Ageing process.
ADS is dissolved quickly in the stomach and absorbed through the small intestine.
ADS is channeled through the blood to reach the body cells across the cell membrane, crosses the mitochondria double membrane and attacks the free radicals and reduces them.
ADS activates the antioxidant enzyme SOD.
Antioxidant efficacy at cellular level protection and re-generation of the mitochondria through an innovative amphiphilic compound ADS.
3D Video clip produced by Virtual Point Multimedia.

mitochondria 3D animation 03.09.2012 mitochondria 3D animation
mitochondria, the power plant of the cell

OXPHOS - Oxidative Phosphorylation 03.09.2012 OXPHOS - Oxidative Phosphorylation
3Dme presents a look at OXPHOS - Oxidative Phosphorylation to help you visualise this complex process.

Through a fascinating process called oxidative phosphorylation, oxygen is used by the mitochondria to absorb electrons & help generate energy. This video uses beautiful, high definition 3D visualisation to take a look inside the human body to follow the path the oxygen molecules take from the in breath, osmosis through the arterial membrane, bound by haemoglobin in red blood cells, to reach the mitochondria. Once inside the mitochondria, the powerhouse of all cells, we demonstrate how oxygen is used to produce energy. This process includes the oxidation of macronutrients, electron carriers such as NADH, the electron transport chain & the cytochrome oxidase complex. Creative imagery has been used in this video to facilitate your understanding of the process of oxidative phosphorylation. We welcome your feedback & suggestions re: future topics you would like to see 3Dme produce for the upcoming App Video Catalogue.

How Cells Obtain Energy 03.09.2012 How Cells Obtain Energy
Cells and energy - Video for Hawthorn Academy Science Classes.
This video explains the processes associated with cellular energy processing.
Important vocabulary -
chloroplast, photosynthesis, mitochondrion, respiration, pgal (phosphoglyceraldehyde) ADP, ATP

Oxidative Phosphorylation 03.09.2012 Oxidative Phosphorylation

F1 ATP synthase 03.09.2012 F1 ATP synthase
Credit:  Dr. John E. Walker, Medical Research Council, Dunn Human Nutrition Unit, Cambridge, UK.

Gradients (ATP Synthases) 11.08.2012 Gradients (ATP Synthases)
NDSU Virtual Cell Animations Project animation 'Gradients (ATP Synthase)'. For more information please see http://vcell.ndsu.edu/animations

Gradients are used to create energy that can power biological cyles. ATP synthase is powered by a hydrogen gradient, located in the mitochondria. This section covers the action of this specific gradient.



История биоэнергетики в XX веке
Прогрессивное развитие биохимии в первую половину ХХ века способствовало формированию представлений о биоэнергетике растворимых внутриклеточных систем и заложило основы для открытия принципов функционирования биоэнергетических механизмов в гетерогенных системах.

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TESTBIO.pro: Тесты по биологии
'beono:flashmessage' is not a component